Sweet Clayre is weighing in at 9lbs, and 19 1/2 inches! She loves to look around, and swing in her swing. She's only been home for 5 days, but already feels comfortable. She is finally getting used to her brother and likes to be near him. Yet, when he starts swinging his arms, she has finally caught on that she can fight back! She's also trying to roll over, she gets on her side, then she decides that she's not sure what to do about the other arm and gives up! She will get there, I know it! She's also our super sleeper, she would sleep all night without getting up to eat, yet at this point, we are still waking her up to make sure she's getting what she needs, she def doesn't like the middle of the night feeds anymore than we do! After all this little girl was been thru, she is making leaps and bounds! In the hospital, she faced almost ever possible issue that preemies face, but she is getting stronger by the day. Her oxygen requirement is getting lower, and we hope to continue to wean her slowly:)
Cache is our firecracker! He is weighing in at about 8lb, 10oz, and 21 inches long! He loves to be cuddled and when it's time to be put down, he lets you know how he feels about it. He also lets ya know when he's hungry. You have exactly 5seconds from hungry little boy to a grumpy bear! Sometimes he sleeps about 5 1/2 hours at night without eating, but when he wakes up and realizes it, we are in trouble. He also loves to grab sister's oxygen and pull it out, he's trying to wean her himself! In the beginning we thought he was the chill baby, who would be down for whatever, but their personalities are beginning to change. It's amazing to watch!
These babies bring so much joy to our lives already, I can't wait to see them grow to love each other and see the relationship they develop. Thanks for your continued thought and prayers! Please remember to thank God today, and everyday, for all of your blessings, and remember what this season is all about!!