Friday, December 27, 2013


Wow, where has December gone?? We had a busy month! We moved into our new house, had lots of Dr appointments, and of course, we had Christmas in there! 
    All of our Dr appointments went well. The babies had their 2nd of 5 RSV shots, and Clayre saw the Dr about her oxygen. We go down on it a little bit everyday, and his goal is to have her weaned completely by the time we see him again the 17th:) Her eye appointment went well too. Babies who are born prematurely and on oxygen, can sometimes develop what they call ROP, and there are varying degrees of severity of it. The way is was described to me, is that it's basically when veins in the eyes curl up, and it can cause eye problems, and even blindness. Babies are checked weekly or bi weekly for it while in the NICU. It usually corrects itself, but in some cases, medicine or laser surgery needs to be done. Clayre's ROP was pretty bad when she was in the NICU, and the Dr began to talk about interventions. He has continued to watch it though, and at her last appointment. It is almost fully corrected!! He wants to see her again in a month, and then hopefully we see a full improvement! Woohoo! She has an appointment with the cardiologist in January too, and we are hoping to get the news that her PDA is closed also! Poor kids and all of their Dr appointments, they definitely keep us busy! 
    Like I mentioned, we finally got moved into our new house! We love it! Here are a few pics of the babies nursery! 
They are still sleeping in their rock n plays in our room, but napping in their cribs and seem to really like them! I think their room turned out really cute! Thanks to our sweet friends for our shower decorations, and our Aunts for our signs and paintings! We are lucky to have such creative ladies in our lives:)
     We celebrated Christmas on a low key level this year. Since we are avoiding germs, we didn't get to do our normal Christmas rotation. Instead, we just had our parents, and Curtis' sisters over on Christmas Day! It was a nice day, we had a Mexican food meal, opened gifts, held babies, and shot guns lol! It was a perfect little day! The babies loved having everyone here, but will be glad to celebrate with the whole family next year! 
     I will be back later with 6 month post! Merry Late Christmas and love to all, the babies can't wait to meet ya:)